Elijah Morningstar Colgan

e-mail frandan78@aol.com

Education			School: Southern Illinois University
				College: Liberal Arts
				Major: Geography
				Specialization: Environmental Planning
				Minor: Outdoor Recreation
				Graduation: Spring 1997

                                Naturalist:Phillips Cruises and Tours, Whittier 
                                Alaska:Provided guests with information on the surrounding 
                                area during a six hour cruise.  Jack of all trades.  Duties 
                                branched from entertaining hundreds of guests with a 
                                microphone in my hand to  tending bar.   Spring/Summer 1998
                                City Planner: Intern: City of Carbondale, Illinois;
 				Assist in day to day activities that include drawing
 				of maps and working on cases with planners and staff.
  				Authored the annual report for presentation to the 
				Planning Commission. Spring 1997

				Regional Planner: Office of Economic and Regional
 				Development(OERD), Southern Illinois University,
 				Carbondale, Illinois: Assist in researching and 
				identifying bikeway/greenway trail corridors, mapping
 				corridors, viability and costs associated with corridors 
				and drafting sections of corridors.  Also assist in 
				research on other related studies conducted at the 	
				OERD. Spring 1997

				Camp counselor: Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, Lenox
 				Massachusetts: Lead operations for all counselors and
				the assistant to the group leader for all children ages
 				five to eleven. This age group included over two 
				hundred children. It was my duty to keep the children
 				occupied all day. Baseball Instructor Summer of 1993. 
				Instructor of High Ropes and Climbing Wall in 1994. 					

Objective		        To obtain a position with a dynamic organization to 
                                further my career development in the field of
 				environmental planning.  Also to extend my education 
				and acquire hands on experience.

References		        Available upon request.

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