Ok, this is just a weird story I made up. There are a lot of hidden messages in this story that only a select few will pick up! So if it seems really dumb to you..well..don't worry about it..it was meant to be! =) Enjoy!

Once upon a time there was a young girl who's parents locked her up in the attic. She sat up there all day eating dehydrated carrots, wanting desperately to see the sun!

Day in and day out, she would scream, "The sun! The sun! I want to see the sun!" but alas, nobody could hear her in the air tight room. She really liked her yellow crayon the best and used it to draw pictures of the sun on the walls of her room. There were big suns, and little suns, orange suns, and blue suns. She even drew one beautiful rainbow coloured sun!

One day as she began to draw a series of small pink suns, she heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"I'm a dinosaur and I'm down here!" a thick, English accent replied.

"What are you doing at my attic door?" asked the prisoned girl.

"I was wondering if you wanted some Smaaaaties," the English dinosaur offered.

"Oh would I ever! Do you happen to have a yellow one?" she asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do!" The door suddenly burst open, and there stood a baby Tyranosaurus Rex. As quickly as the baby dino entered, the girl ate the Smartie and ran through the open door! Freedom at last!

The girl did not know what to do first, but as soon as she stepped out the front door of her house she collapsed on the lawn and reached towards the precious sun! She sat there for what seemed like hours when she realized it was getting late, and her parents would soon be home. She decided to go to the local mall to see what wonderful sights she could see. As she entered, she realized that the world was full of strange and wonderful people! She scanned the crowd of people and spotted one interesting looking fellow. He had weird looking spiky hair, and wore a purple suit. He seemed to have a large nose, but still, she felt attracted to this guy! He reminder her of the Mafia hitmen she had read so much about!

She thought that it might be fun if she followed this Mafia guy around the mall for a while, following his every move! After following him and his friend for over 2 hours, she decided to finally confront him while he sat eating a carrot salad in the food court.

"Hi," she said simply to the two friends, "my name is Cindy*. What's yours?"

The Mafia guy looked up from his heap of carrot mush and introduced himself as Charlie*.

"Nice to meet you, Charlie. What is your friend's name?" asked Cindy.

"His name is Nick*," answered Charlie while swinging his hand. Cindy realized he had a very noticable lisp.

"So, what brings you to the mall today?" Cindy asked.

"Well," Nick spoke for the first time, "we were supposed to come meet our buddy Alex VanHalen, but he is just too busy for us now a days, especially since he became a big rock star!"

"Oh that's too bad," the young girl sadly stated. Cindy turned around aware of someone's presence. There behind her stood a man holding a large chain. It was her father.

"Who's the chain guy?" asked Charlie gayly. But before Cindy could utter a word, her father had chained her up and was pulling her out of the mall, away from her beloved Mafia guy, who was too gay to ever love her anyways, and was returned to her attic, never to see the sun again.

*Names have been changed.

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