Hello Kiddies

The name is Woakes,

John Woakes....

but you can call me Woaksie

If you have more time than sense then click here for an animated snippet of me.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from woaksie. Make your own badge here.


Welcome to my Home Page. Here you will find tidbits and some photos taken since I moved to Canada.

I live in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I moved here in September 1995 from Bristol England. I miss Bristol and, especially, my friends back there. If you are one of those people, and you know who you are, come and visit. It is a well fun place.

So what about ME! I play squash, snowboard, cycle (both road and off road). I have just got a new bike and am looking forward to exploring the off road tracks BC is famous for. I love eating good food (spicy and exotic) and drinking with friends. And I like films (offbeat) and music (alternative/dance/techno/ambient). (I must ease off the brackets). See LAUNCH if you like music. It is great, free, and you will discover something new.

During the day light hours I fiddle with computers at work.

Listen up! The WORLD is in trouble, but we can sort things out. If we all had the will power we could create a fair, caring and special place to live on our little planet. Check out humanism as an option.

Check out my new website - a comic every hour Comic Hour

Click here to see photos My online photo album. Updated January 98!

The people who die each year from tobacco are just "computer-generated numbers."

Read Meat This guy is wacky! I love him. New one every week.

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