How to be really alive!

Live juicy.
Stay in bed all day
Dream of gypsy wagons
Find snails making love
Develop an appetite for books
Drink sunset
Draw out your feeling , before it is to late
Amaze yourself
Be ridiculous.
Stop worrying
if not now , then when?
Make " YES " your favorite word
Eat mangoes naked
Keep toys in the bathtub
Spin yourself dizzy
Make love in unexpected places
Allow yourself to be loved
Wish upon a star
Look at life threw a childs eyes.
Invent new ways to love
Try endearing
Delight someone
Wear pajamames to a movie
Allow yourself to feel rich without money
Be who you truly are and the money will follow.
Beleive in everything
You are always on your way to a Miracle

The miracle is you!

(remeber life is just to damn short ! *smiles*)