TITLE: "Fiona Apple"SCHOOL:Broome Community College
PROFESSOR: Dominic Catalano, Illustration
ASSIGNMENT: Create a portrait of someone recognisable using
any media. Must contain a face and a figure of the person.
MEDIA: Watercolor and acrylic
SCHOOL:Broome Community College
PROFESSOR: Dominic Catalano, Illustration
ASSIGNMENT: Everyone was given a section of a xeroxed drawing to draw to a larger scale and to color any way with any media. When they were done, everyone's pieces were put together to form a wall sized mural.
MEDIA: Pastels
SCHOOL: Broome Community College
PROFESSOR: Dominic Catalano, Illustration
ASSIGNMENT: Take pictures of buildings and develop them as slides. Project 3 images on 3 sheets of paper and trace them. Use any media to color. Will be a tryptic.
MEDIA: Acrylic
SCHOOL: Broome Community College
PROFESSOR: Dominic Catalano
ASSIGNMENT: A powerful image. Any size, any media.
MEDIA: Acrylic
SCHOOL: Broome Community College
PROFESSOR: Dominic Catalano, Illustration
ASSIGNMENT: Set up a still life of a collection and render it in any media.
MEDIA: Acrylic