I am the editor of this site.
If you like to, send me an e-mail & drop me your message.
I'm looking forward to getting it!
Don't worry if I won't answer it, but I'm quite busy &  lack what is most needed... time.
Nevertheless, thank you very much for visiting my site!
Little Star.
For more information see below.

Mail me @

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Some years ago, I was toying with the idea of creating this site for the very first time. I've been thinking of it for so long now, and It appears to me that now the right time to start it has come.
Don't take it personal, but I prefer staying anonymous & I'm not going to relinquish my identity.

It's very difficult to cope with the copyright. Lots of stuff I'd love to publish on this site is protected by copyright, pictures, texts, a. s. o... You need to get a permission first. Any idea? Do you think something which should be put on this site in any case is missing? Send it to me via mail, but always remember the copyright.
I need your help & your support in order to enlarge this site! Tell me your likes & your dislikes. Help me to create this site! I'd be very grateful to you!

Do you have questions? Suggestions? Feel free to contact me! See above for adress!