Come to this site it's francesbean and mines site it's much better than this one

I Don't know how to make this more clear, this page is not very good! go to Drown!! It's my new page that I did with francebean, it is much much better! continue if you want, but all the links goto drown anyways so you are gonna go there one way or another...drown.


Boff's Pumpkin Page

The Home of Hard Core Pumpkin fans

Have you ever been to a Pumkin Concert?

If you have, write me a story about what happend at the concert

Your story could be posted on my site!

Enter your story here!

Hi! Welcome to Boff's Pumpkin Page for hard core Pumpkins fans. I'm Boff and I'll be your guide through this site. Here is what I have:

SP chat!!

Sp chat! chat with other SP fans from many other sites. need java though. Netscape 3.01 Gold works the best, Get it. I'll be on as much as possible. Really cool

Pumpkin stories

stories told by the viewers of this page, add your own story or read others (coming soon)

Subscribe to the SP times

The SP times is a Smashing Pumpkins newsletter written by me and francesbean. There released twice a month, actually it's neverreleased since this site sucks go to drown god damnit

My January Survey!

My January survey. what else is their to say?

Survey Results

The survey results from past months are here for you to look at.


Info on all the Sp releases, singles and all

Guitar Tabs and piano scores

Lots of tabs 4 scores, there's alot to see here

Lyrics of SP

Lyrics from all the albums

Pictures of the Pumpkins

There's a reasonable amount of pictures here, some of them very good quality

The Sounds of SP in .Wav

What else to say? SP .wav files

Music Videos

These are my favorite part of my page, in .mov format

Sounds of SP in midi

midi files, today and melon collie sound pretty good

Links to other sites on the Web

Mine and joe's other site
it's much better than this one and yup you guested it it's about the pumpkins

Yahoo---A great web search site, I think it is the best on the web
Lycos---another good search site.
WebCrawler---yet another good search site

Hope you liked my page. E-mail me please to tell me whatever, what you think of this site, what you think of the Pumpkins, blah blah blah whatever. doesn't matter since i don't care. Thanks! 8-)