The UFO Phenomenon

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UFO's DO exist!
There IS a cover-up
Popular UFO theories
Men in Black (MIB's)
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UFO's do exist!

The above statement is, by definition true. If an object is flying and no-one knows what it is then it is declared an Unidentified Flying Object or UFO. The problems occur when people take the term UFO to mean 'alien spacecraft' when that is not always the case.

The cover-up

There is no denying that various U.S. government agencies have participated in some sort of cover-up over the UFO phenomenon. The indisputable evidence arises from the 1000s of documents released under the Freedom of information act (FOIA). These documents show that there was an interest in the subject from the Americans sicne WWII whereas the government had strenously denied any interest in the subject. A typical example of this is this quote taken from a letter from FBI Director Clarence Kelley in 1973:-

"...the investigation of Unidentified Flying objects is not and never has been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI."

Only three years later when the FOI act was introduced a request made by US navy Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee yielded over 1100 pages of information from the FBI. There are many similar cases of mis-information by U.S. agencies, one the latest being made by NASA regarding the 'Mars Face'. For the last 17 years NASA Have maintained that they have photographs 'proving' that the face was simply a trick of the light. Recently they admitted that there are no such images. Why should they lie if there is nothing to cover up? Having shown that there is a cover-up it is worthwhile considering the possible reasons for a worldwide conspiracy of silence. If it turned out that there were aliens visiting earth and the governments of the world knew about it there is a very good reason why they wouldn't want it to become general knowledge. Put simply, confirmation of Extraterrestrial life would destroy society as we know it. People would no longer be natives of 'England' for example they would be 'Earthmen' this would shake the very roots of government as entire countries collapse taking the people in power with them. The potential technological advances to be made would shatter the global economy, consider the oil crisis this resulted in a major crash on the stockmarkets, now imagine what would happen if suddenly a complete replacement for oil was aquired from alien technology. Religion would also suffer as the religious leaders of the world considered the idea that 'God' was in fact an alien race, who created us as mutations or hybrids of themselves.

Popular UFO Theories

So now that I have shown that UFO's do exist and that various governments are interested in them, what are they?. Many people are unaware that there are several different theories on the origins of UFO's rather than a simple argument over whether they are aliens or not, Below are summaries of the better known ones:-

The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).
This is the best known theory and believed to be the only one by many people less knowlegdeable about the subject. Put quite simply this theory says that UFO's are piloted by intelligent life forms from other planets.
Time Travellers
This theory attempts to explain the physical similarities between the occupants of UFO's and human beings. The idea behind it is that UFO's are time travellers from the future keen to reverse some of the adverse effects we are currently having on the evnironment. This theory also ties in with the fact that during contact with the occupants they seem to have some kind of interest in ours and the planets welfare. Personally I do not subscribe to this theory as i do not believe time travel at any rate other than 1 sec/sec to be possible.
Government Aircraft
Some people believe that UFO's are top secret 'black project' government aircraft, whereas this may apply in some cases there are others where the movement patterns of the UFO are so astonishing that it is hard to believe they use earthly technology.
Some Psychologists believe that UFO's are entirely in the mind and that there is nothing physical happening at all. This theory may have stood up if it weren't for multiple witness sightings where it is almost beyond the realms of possibility that all the witnesses were having identical hallucinations at the same time. Another problem with this theory is that many withnesses comment on how real the experience was, if it were possible to hallucinate to such an extent that the mind firmly believes the event took place then reality itself is being called into question.
Natural Phenomena
There are some people who believe that all UFO related events are purely physical phenomena of various kinds, whereas this may be the case for some sightings at does not really hold up for abductions and close range sightings.
Mistaken Identity
Sometimes UFO reports turn out to be simple mis-identifications of terrestrial aircraft or satellites
Hoaxes Unfortunately there are those to try to gain publicity or financial rewards from the UFO phenomenon by inventing hoaxes. In these times it is becoming harder and harder to spot a hoax as the madia have put force fed the public with the stereotypical 'grey' type of alien which can easily be incorporated into any hoax.

In my opinion Extraterrestrials are visiting this planet and are responsible for a large number of strange goings on but equally I believe that many sightings (especially Lights in the sky) are wrongly interpreted as Alien spacecraft when the reality is much more mundane.

Men in Black (MIB's)

Men in black (or MIB's) are one of the more obscure sides to the UFO phenomenon. A typical encounter with these strange beings starts with a normal UFO sighting by someone. A few days later the witness is visited by strange looking men dressed all in black (hence the name), usually claiming to be from some government agency, and usually with a big black car. The MIB's exhibit many strange abilities and behavioural patterns. These are some of the ones noted in most MIB encounters:-

  1. The MIB's will try to force the witness to accept a mundane explanation and when this fails they act unexpectedly, for example, getting up and leaving without a word.

  2. They know information about the witness and the sighting which is not public knowledge, for example there are many cases of photographs being taken of the UFO which the MIB's ask to see despite the fact that the witness has told no-one that they even took any photographs!

  3. They are usually only interested in minor insignificant details of the sighting rather than the nature of the sighting itself.

  4. They tend to look 'odd' and do not seem comfortable with the English language. Some MIB's have been reported to 'flicker' almost like a 3D T.V. picture and others still have openly told the witness that they are extra-terrestrials! One strange comment made by an MIB visiting a Dr. Herbert Hopkins in 1976 adds further mystery to the origins of MIB's as they said 'We have to go as we are running low on energy"

  5. They can produce credible identification when asked (MoD, NORAD, USAF, CIA, FBI etc) but when this is checked afterwards the relevant body have rigourously denied that anyone of the name given has anything to do with them.

Some of the best known MIB encountered are briefly descirbed below:-

One of the first known MIB encounters occured in 1953 when Albert K. Bender announced that his UFO group The International Flying Saucer Bureau was to disband, he later claimed that he did this because he had been visited by three men in dark suits driving a Cadillac who pessured him into giving up Ufology.

One of the best known MIB cases occurred in in 1964 when Jim Templeton from Carlisle in England took a photograph of his daughter on the marshes overlooking the Solway Firth. At the time nothing out of the ordinary was noticed by any of the party however when the photo's were developeda strange man in what appeared to be a space suit was clearly visible in the background of one of the pictures. The film was analysed by Kodak who could find no explanation for the picture. A few weeks later two typical MIB's visited Jim Templeton at his home. The MIB's drove Jim out to the marshes and asked a series of seemingly irrelevant questions about such things as the weather on the day of the photograph and the activities of local bird life. The two men then tried to force Jim to admit that he had photographed an ordinary man walking past, when he refused they drove off leaving Jim to walk the five miles home.

Another example of typical MIB behaviour occurred in 1972 when a press conference was called in relation to a sighting near the NSA telecommunications base at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire. The press conference never happened because moments before it was supposed to start two men arrived showing MoD I.D. and ordered the journalists out of the room. The men then proceeded to interrogate one of the witnesses on the way in which the door opened on the UFO after which the men left. Later the MoD denied that the men were anything to do with them.

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