steamboat shows, 1996
vince and dave, february
ultraviolet vince, april
vince from below, april
vernon with the tick, april
whole band jam, april
vincent skewed, april
new braunfels shows, summer '96
vernon and vince at landa station, august
mike at the station, august
skinny dave at comal bowl
tilted vernon at comal bowl
dave slams at comal bowl
vernon wails at comal bowl
mike at comal bowl
dave with long hair, comal bowl
steamboat shows, 1997
dave with shades, january
vince from above, january
vince and dave, january
dave from above, january
dave and cookie monster, august
grainy vernon, august
silver vince, august
ultra-grainy vince, august
vernon, august
steamboat marquee, august
mike drums, october
vince plays, october
vernon, shut-eye, october
dave is pissed, october
mike's on! october
vernon drums, october
vince plays some more, october
manor road show, july '97
evil dave
good vernon pic
mike at manor
snap your fingers, snap your neck
is that guy drunk?
everyone's hot
how old is dave?
vince, flyer backdrop
vince, mickey backdrop
vernon drums some more
vincent, obviously stoked
vern's 21st b-day, december '97
many people, little space
there's jaime!!!
fire sister studio session, january '98
the mixing station
bass tracks in effect
phat dave tracks
there's jaime again!!!!
rehearsals & miscellaneous
acoustic mike
band lounge, 1995 (long live C.C.)
OE BABY!!! 1997
view from the drums, 1996
banjo vince, 1998
vernon in the superunknown
worthless dave pic