Welcome to Starcrunch Central!

This is my Own little place on the web. It's up here mainly to provide space for the Terrorvision Mailing List which I admin, still I've added a few pages of my own none of which are probably very interesting unless you know me.

TeRRoRViSioN Mailing List

The homepage of the email mailing list for Terrorvision Fans, which I admin.


The fantastic Pants! site. The only place on the web with a comprehensive list of Pants game song titles.

Ed and Daves Photo Site

All the pictures from Parties and Balls etc, that I've been too with my friends

About Me

A bit of information on who I am and what I'm doing. This is probably of no interest, but being something of a geeky person I felt it was obligatory.

Graphics Work

A few of the computer generated images I've knocked up in my spare time. It's also the way I generated the logo above.


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© 2000 David Atherton