Do you have a question that you desperately need answered...and is it about Take That?...No? Then bugger off. Just kidding, you can ask it anyway, I just won't print it on this page. E-mail the queries of your mind and I and perhaps others of you out there can help in delivering the answers.


Hello there! this question is more about robbie williams then take that. i went to see him in concert back in february, at cardiff. i was all excited and waiting to hear his voice send shivers down my spine, when he sings the most amaizing 'angels'. as the music started i was on edge, but to my total dismay he held the microphone to the crowd as they sung it for him, i was totally let down as he never even sung one line of his hit single. is there anywhere i can complain about this as i am a very disapointed fan? i hope you can help! Melanie , bristol

Hi Melanie, I would say the best thing for you to do is to write the fanclub a letter voicing your complaint. Send it to : 'The Official Robbie Williams Fanclub' PO Box 479, Newcastle ST5 1BP, UK. You could also try in the chat room of addy: - I've looked around other places for you, but none really offer direct contact with Robbie, so I think that snail mail is the way to go. JOEY'S QUESTION:

Hi there! Im Joey. My question oh wise one is .......... Do you know of anyone who is selling the Robbie Take That doll. Do you know anyone who owns any of the dolls? Great site by the way! Thanks, Joey Knight

Unfortunately the dolls are very scarce in Australia, so I can't really help you...however I'll check out my sources and let you know of any success, meanwhile others can email Joey at


What's the date that Take That officially broke up? And do you have any leads to Artur's question?

Take That officially broke up on the 13th of February, 1996 (Robbie's birthday) Unfortunately there are no leads to Artur's question. Either there are no nude Take That pics or whoever's got them doesn't want to share them!


I want pictures of take that naked you can help me? my e-mail is

Well Artur, do you really think my website's background would be plain black if I had pictures of Take That naked? Nope, I don't think so...I'd have bits and pieces of EVERYthing displayed...and I would most definately have a planet named 'uranus'...sorry, I couldn't help popping that one in. If anyone CAN help Artur in his/her/ quest for nude pics of the Thatters, please send him/her an e-mail.

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