Marianne Rivers

Welcome to "My World"
and Happy Hugs


My World is centered in the Los Angeles California area.

I am a Transsexual Woman.

I'm a party girl, I love to go to upscale restaurants and clubs, and I love to dance.

In these pages, I publish a Diary of my adventures out and about in LA LA Land. (Last Update March 22, 2009

I keep X rated stuff out of these pages, but those under 18 are advised that some of my adventures may not be suitable for you, and you should leave.

Go to the Latest Diary

Go to the Diary index

Go to the first Qtr 2008 Diary

Go to the Second Qtr 2008 Diary

Go to the Third and fourth Qtr 2008 Diary

I'd like to hear from you

Links to other sites on the Web

Naomi's Page (A Sexy Friend)
The Countessa's Closet (designer clothes for the transfolk)
the Transgender Forum