Tommy's Quest For Adventure

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a young boy named Tommy Bugaboo. Tommy was a fairly ordinary seven year old. He loved adventure, yet he never seemed to get enough of it in his sleepy little town.

One day early in the summer, Tommy went off in search of adventure in his backyard. After wandering around every last inch of yard, Tommy decides to explore the woods, even though he knows he isn't allowed to leave the yard by himself. Tommy checks over his shoulder one last time to make sure Mom isn't watching, then he runs into the woods.

Laughing to himself, Tommy thinks about the great adventure he is about to go on. He continues to walk deeper into the woods, and pretty soon little Tommy realizes that he is lost!

It is beginning to get dark, and Tommy is getting scared. He sees a small cave in the distance, and ponders going to check it out. He doesn't know whether to explore the cave or to keep walking and try to get out of the woods.

What should Tommy do?

Explore the cave!

Keep on truckin'.

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