Okay, I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Hey,
what makes her so special that she gets her
own page instead of being on the page with
the rest of my friends?"
Well, since this is "MY" homepage, I guess
I'll do what the hell I want with it. =)
Anunguhela is one of many talents. She
can just think about something happening
and it actually happens (ask her about roller
skating). She has a way with cops (ask her
about the pot hole in Dallas). Here
lately, bad luck just seems to follow her and whomever
the poor soul is with her - no matter where
she is (ask her about any day in the
past month). =)
Anunguhela and I have known each other since
the 8th grade when the two rinky dink
schools we went to consolidated into one
big hell hole and my life has never been
the same since. We've been thru thin
and thick, high water and hell and it
seems the Fates just can't keep us apart.
The world might be a safer place if they