Wherever I go
Whatever I do
There are you
Silent but strong
Quiet yet constant
There are you
Lighting the way
Guiding my steps
There are you
Giving me hope
Making paths straight
There are you.
May 31, 1994
If the bed was always made,
And the lid was always down,
And the living room picked up,
Would I miss the mess?
And the dishes always done,
And the counter always clean,
And the floor always swept,
Would I miss the mess?
If having a clean house
Means living all alone.
If everything in it's place
Means never hearing a sound
The mess is a small price
For the company and noise.
My time and space are full.
Yes--I'd miss the mess!
I once felt self-esteem
important to my being
I thought when high that I
could do anything but fly.
When things, I thought, were slow
my self-esteem was low
Self-esteem is self-bound,
my vision blurred beyond
My world, my things, my needs,
was all that I could see
Jesus changed the focus in my head
to God above instead.
My new eyes gave me sight
to see His ways are right.
He loves us all, and so must I,
the Teacher taught us why.
With His love, His eyes, His vision,
we can achieve His mission.
Why is a year a lifetime to a 7-year old?
Why is a year only a moment to a working mom?
Disabled, the clock ticks out the seconds.
Rockford's voice sounds far, far away.
The clock ticks louder and louder.
I've time to think, to rest, to be.
Time is very, very slow.
July 4, 1994
I get so very tired
I can't hold up my head.
My neck and forehead are numb,
I can't sleep.
Dear Lord, what good am I to you?
The ringing only I hear,
The constant hum of crickets,
grows loud, louder and louder.
Is it YOU talking to me?
July 4, 1994
Am I good enough?
Do they like me?
Is my work perfect?
Does he like me?
Can I stay awake enough to learn?
Is my house clean enough?
Do my children love me?
Will I ever
be good enough?
Ah, to have the wisdom of age
When I was young
My children would not know the rage
I spoke with my tongue.
They would not know the barrage of tests
I would unleash.
Setting goals so high not even I
Could ever reach.
A waste of time, for now they've grown.
My lesson's stored.
I'll be more careful what was sown,
I promise Lord.
Please let me show the young
How patient I've become.
November 1994