Rip of the Heart

Please don't hate me
Ceause you are not free
You took my heart
And ripped it apart
You tried to reform me
But all I got was misery
If I should cry tonight;
Will it be alright
It was nothing but a game
And I am to blame
I let myself love
Not looking above
To notice the trouble...

How could it get this way
Only to find out the next day
A girl, other than me,
Was pretending to be me
I was foolish to love you
You lied to save your ass
When you knew I would know
Shame on me for being so weak
To say I love you, less than a week
Time will be racked up on your wall
Wondering if I will call

In your cement boy you think
Only thing yo can do to past time
No freedom...No love...
You loast my respect
But you say you care
Who is the fool now, my dear?

I have what you want
The air around me is free
My wings are now healing
I don't need your drung any more
Your perfect empire is without
A ruler,
Only to fall apart
With the rip of a heart