
        Jonathan....I cannot begin to say all I feel...When I need a best friend you are there for me..when I need a hug I can get it...when I fuss you listen...when I need someone to fuss at me you do it..but always letting me know you love me.. you calm me when I am give me strength when I think I have gave me back my self esteem when it was more or less taught me the meaning of self worth when it was gone I thought for don't preach to me you talk to me..we share..all..good and bad..we don't always think alike and don't always agree but we can talk through all the probelms..there is so much I can say...your love is unconditional..deep and unlike any I have known.....together we are everything ..apart we are nothing...we together make a complete union filled with love, caring, sharing....
        FOREVER LOVE..

        Chapter 13

        1 What if I could speak
        all languages of humans and of angels?
           If I did not love others,
        I would be nothing more than a noisy gong
           or a clanging cymbal.
        2 What if I could prophesy
           and understand all secrets and all knowledge?
        And what if I had faith that moved mountains?
           I would be nothing, unless I loved others.
        3 What if I gave away all that I owned
        and let myself be burnt alive?
           I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.
        4 Love is kind and patient,
           never jealous, boastful, proud, or 5 rude.
        Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered.
           It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.
        6 Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
        7 Love is always supportive, loyal,
           hopeful, and trusting.
        8    Love never fails!

        Everyone who prophesies will stop,
           and unknown languages
           will no longer be spoken.
        All that we know will be forgotten.
        9 We don’t know everything,
           and our prophecies are not complete.
        10 But what is perfect will some day appear,
           and what isn’t perfect will then disappear.

        11 When we were children,
           we thought and reasoned as children do.
        But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways.
        12 Now all we can see of God
           is like a cloudy picture in a mirror.
        Later we will see him face to face.
        We don’t know everything, but then we will,
           just as God completely understands us.
        13 For now there are faith, hope, and love.
           But of these three, the greatest is love.


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