Charles Wolff's Obscure Band Home Pages

Hi! I'm just getting started here, but what I'm planning to put in this area are home pages for some bands I happen to like, which don't have home pages anywhere else.

Here are the first couple, which I've moved over here from my other home page at Athens/5277.

I'll be moving those two home pages over here, and adding some more, as I get the time... this is, as much as anything, just a place to have fun fiddling about with home page design...

For fans of the truly obscure, you might enjoy visiting the Philip P Bliss home page. Bliss was a hymnwriter in the 1870's, and I have a ton of stuff about him online - biography, pictures, song lyrics, etc.

In the meantime, here's what I know about CD Shopping in Phoenix, Arizona

Also on this site: Charles' Daily Web. A daily web is an online, daily journal. If I had more room on my Athens account, the daily web would be over there, but music is a major hobby for me (songwriting, guitar playing, running our worship band at church, recording), so that sort of justifies having it here on Sunset Strip. At the present rate, the Daily Web will probably take over these pages long before I get the Pia Zadora obscure band home page in shape...

Maintained by Charles Wolff; last updated 29 Aug 1996

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