...And now I need Religious Counsel.

You know, we really encourage people to e-mail me, find out a phone number and drop a line, or track me down and stalk me, because frankly; we want to know what people think of the FunHaus.

We have gotten a few e-mails from people since one year ago...

The first arrived from someone named "Mercedes" explaining in the first that they were god, and in a second that we ought to keep up the good work.

And then maybe a week ago, the page had a profound moment with this parcel dropped into the box:

Return-Path: servant@nbnet.nb.ca
X-Sender: servant@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca (Unverified)
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.1 (32)
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 1997 01:08:57 -0300
To: Waksmulski@skyenet.net
From: Gerald Nickerson
Subject: Your web-page
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi there...just checked in on your webpagefrom PowWow. Can I say I feel sort of sorry for you? A bit messed up. Heading in the wrong direction, aren't you? Not trying to offend you. BUT Hell is a real place where real people go. My friend, YOU NEED JESUS CHRIST as your Savior. Satan will pay you no favors in the end. He will be happy to see you burn in the fires of eternal damnation. You don't have to...repent...admit to God that you are a sinner and receive His gift of salvation through the work of Christ on the Cross. HE LOVES YOU....GUARANTEED! John 3:16 No need to perish. Take His offer today. Thanks for listening. Just want the best for you. PLEASE take time to carefully consider this. It's your future and your destiny. Pastor Gerry

Sounds exactly like a sales pitch, does it not? I really wanted to buckle and scream at this man, but instead I mailed out this:

To: "Servant and Mastered"
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 23:23:34 -0500
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1155
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Do excuse my sinning ways.

I realise that in your eyes i am a pretty sick puppie, and im whats wrong in the world or america, depending on how naive you want to be, and i am the victim of rock and roll, et cetera ad nauseam.

however, i am a learned person, and as most learned persons choose to believe, i have to side with other forces not of some all-mighty "god."

I believe in and worship the earth and it's creations and creators, i think of everyone as part of a large ever-evolving and ever-peaking train track of science.

and to crystalise everything, if i really wanted to be part of your "religion," (i call it a fashion show) i would have found your help a LONG time ago, sir.

I have obviusly been told by many that my ways are the wrong ones, but this is just the wrong way of thinking... i truth is that christians are so bereft self-esteem and insecure with their faith, that they have to make sure that anyone else who has an idea of what's going on in the universe, or world, once again determined by how naive you want to be, is immediatly stomped out, for fear that they may notbe the correct ones, and if they fail, at least everyone goes down with them.

what do you have to lose if im right, and you simply die in the end?


what do i have to lose if you are right, and i go to "hell?"

apparently my soul, but i didnt lose my pride nor dignity by backing down and letting my cause go trampled by the majority.

thank you, i do hope you read this, and i do hope you realise that some of us out there do have cause to be these little rebels

So, I don't know if he read it, but somehow i am proud of myself for the restraint. However...

Enough of my conquests,
How about yourselves'?

Mail them to the Gods of Punkrock, Zombie, and we can start a pissing contest out here.

...im as lost as religion...