Brett's Tape Trading List

Welcome to my trading list. I am mostly interested in Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, or Guns N' Roses tapes taken from the master recordings. I will accept dubs of cds for shows that I do not have for Motley Crue and Guns N' Roses. I am mostly interested in Zeppelin tapes taken from the masters. Some of my shows are 1st or 2nd generation from cds. However, I also have many tapes from the genuine master recordings. These are listed under generation in the list. From time to time I will do 2:1 trades, when I am not too busy.

As of right now I can only trade analog tapes. I hope to have a cdr burner by Christmas '99. Until then it's analog only:(
E-mail for trade setup.

WANTED: vintage AEROSMITH (1973-79)
WANTED: GUNS 'N ROSES (1986-1993)

I will not sell any tapes, please don't ask!

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Last updated on June 26th, 1999.

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