Behind Her Eyesp; to my enigma...She looked at me tonight. Her eyes were beautiful... Brilliant, don't you know? Beautiful... somewhere behind the swirling hazel streaks that dazzle my heart is every emotion ever known to mankind... and i envy those eyes... She has known Pain shattering, aching pain tearing through her heart like shrapnel... She has known Anger burning, consuming anger whose fire has scarred her forever... She has known Hatred cold, unfeeling hatred as it froze emotion from parts of her heart... She has known Despair lonely, empty despair through the long nights of waiting for what never came... She has known Death. and perhaps these do not seem the best course, or path, for a life... but between the scars of anguish, there is more... She has known Pleasure delightful, simple pleasure overflowing with laughter like a stream... She has known Joy radiant, shining joy when the sun seemed to glow from her heart... She has known Love deep, giving love still continuing within her... She has known Hope bright-eyed, expectant hope like the granting of a thousand dreams... She has known Life. and oh, heaven, how i yearn to be like her, with her angelic smile and mesmerizing look... and i dream of being the keeper of her heart, and of everything that lies Behind her Eyes. Copyright 2003 Anaildubh |