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Gateway to Jenny

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This site is an acer production

This is Gateway to Linn 'n' Jenny, a site dedicated to Malin and Jenny Berggren from the pop group Ace Of Base.

This site has been up since early 1998. I took it down summer 2000 and reopened it today 18/11 -02. During those years it was down I thought of changing the design and create a whole new GTLNJ, but nothing happend, I had no inspiration. Today I open it again just for one reason, many people have asked me about this site. Nothing has changed since I took it down, except that some pictures and links are gone, some probably wont work. I will not update this site (maybe only some small things), I just want this site to be a little memory for the acers who hang around on the net 98-00.
Maybe one day I will get the inspiration I need and update Gateway to Linn 'n' Jenny.
Hugs Najs -Stay Ace!