
She thinks she missed the train to Mars...

A few words about me....

My name is W. Kathryn Coomer.
Don't ask what the W stands for... I'll never tell! The people I grew up with call me Katie... my college friends call me "K T" and my newer friends call me Kate which I actually prefer.

My heart presides in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I went to school at Grand Valley State University where I majored in Finance and Russian Studies (guess which one got me a job and which if good for answering only trivial pursuit questions!)

I have two 'kids' so to speak...

This is my very spoiled Australian Cattle dog, Casey.
I need to get a new picture of her scanned... she's no longer a puppy. Actually, she's due to have her first litter of puppies on June 9th. :)

I also have 5 year old cat, Zlyah Koshka (loosely translated Russian: the evil cat)
Picture coming soon...

My biggest loves in life (outside of the 'kids') are Music, football and computers... in that order.

These are a couple of web sites I maintain:

A Shrine to Jim McMahon: the Punky QB

The Ides of March Unofficial web site

Here are a few of my favorite web pages:

Grand Rapids Rampage Official Site

Tramp's The Nixon's site

Pale Divine Unofficial Fan Page

There will be more to this page soon...
In the meantime, E mail me!