Midnight Oil
Photo Gallery
'A less lame version of the lame original'

Hi welcome to the Midnight Oil Photo Gallery. It is basically a collection of photos I have taken at various gigs(from the front row). All of them (except the Australia Day speech) were taken with a disposable Fugi el cheapo camera (hence the quality of some shots). Hopefully the next round of gigs I will be able to get a photo pass,letting me bring a real camera.

If anyone reckons I am breaking copyight (how ? ?) or has comments, wants to add something etc,etc email me, the Webmaster.

Revesby '96 | Jindabyne 97 | UWS Macarthur | Australia Day
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The Midnight Oil Photo Gallery retains all reprint rights.
Copyright 1998. The Midnight Oil Photo Gallery. Don't rip off me or the band !

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