this is my nice index.html..,.,,but who really cares? .,.,ehh.,.,.well.,.,here are the links you'll be needing.,.,.,c'ya.,.,

thru the eyes of midi
Smashing Pumpkins midi page

Mary's Pumpkin Garden
lyrics, song interpretations, ascii art, poems, etc.
This page will not be updated anymore, mostly because I don't have the time...but it will still be as it is, until I need the space.

Swedish GeoCities World Report
GeoCities World Report på svenska

Nevyns Koffein Sida
My swedish caffein page

Bilder från min lilla Kalmar-tripp...

You are visitor number since the 28 November 1996.

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What's new in thru the eyes of midi and Mary's Pumpkin Garden since the last time you were here?

Note that you always can use the or the URL's to get to this page. Even if this page moves, those URL's will always be the same.

While you're here, check out my list of bootlegs too.

These pages are (ill) maintained by Anders Ek /

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