Robby's Band Page

I doubt anyone still reads this page, but what the hell, i feel like updating anyways. I was just sittin around today and noticed the old dusty bookmark that is the page you are reading right now. I started reading the guestbook, and got a little nostalgic. So many things have changed since i first started this site way back in february of the 8th grade...i'm in the 10th grade now at EHS, and life continues to drag on...and even though this page has basically been nothing for about a year, I am now officially declaring the end of this site. Which makes me sad, actually. It's not like this site has been very active lately, but it still makes me feel like I'm cutting off yet another connection to "the good old days" that came before this WONDERFUL (sarcasm) place called high anyways, I'd like to thank everyone who ever visited this site, and anyone who helped me with it. It was fun while it lasted. Goodbye everyone...

P.S.: You never know what i'll get around to once I get watch your email inboxes, you may get a message soon directing you to a site reborn from this ones ashes. I promise to update next time around ;)

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