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Dear Erica, maybe you could help me. It's kinda long so hang in there. = >I've been going out with this guy for two weeks. Lately I've been sooo busy and not home so i haven't talked to him or seen him in two weeks. I don't know if he even considers us going out becuase we haven't seen or talked to each other. We've gone out before, but that was when we were younger and didn't know what a relationship was, and he didn't was it to be the same way. But it is. When we did see each other we never did anything (ex. hold hands, kiss...) so it's not like a real relationship. I want it to work out but i hate talking on the phone to a guy cause i'd rather talk face-to-face and i don't think it is up to me to go to his house to see him, but now that school is starting soon we'll see each other. But the bad thing is that on the third day we were going out, i went to a wedding party and met the most amazing guy ever. We danced and exchanged addresses and phone numbers, since he lives 2 hours away. I REALLY like him and i wrote him a letter but he hasn't written me back yet, but it's only been one and a half week since i wrote him. Now i can't stop thinking about him and don't know what to do about my boyfriend. Any advice?
Well, I think almost dead relationships still have a chance, especially since it's only been two weeks. Sometimes a break is good for the relationship, BUT, it really depends on who you like. This guy you met at a wedding sounds nice, and I suggest that you wait and see if he responds to your letter. Also, maybe he has a girfriend, so don't break things up with the other guy. You need to talk to both of them face to face, (not together), and decide where your relationship stands. You don't have to be too upfront, like, "make a decision now", but I feel you should go for who you like the most, and who you feel most comfertable with. Thanx! *Erica*
I meet this women and fell in love. the only problemis that she is married. I see her quite often and want to know what you would do.
Well, I say if she is married, then she is off limits. There's really nothing you can do about it, and you shouldn't try to break up a happy marriage. I suggest going places and trying to find other single women will help take your mind off her.