Listen to a few songs

Empty Promises, Day DreamerLie to me, and A Perfect World

& of course check out the pages at My Space

Jason's Page

Love Dog's page


Hi I'm MrJayDogg 2000 (or Jason)
Some of my interests are:
Music, Hiking/Camping,
Art(3D), Computer Games and MUSIC

This page also has cool links I like to visit, and books


anim bullet Linksanim bullet



Bighorn Mountaintop Lodge

My Renaissance Page

(Colorado Renaissance Festival and more)

anim bullet Photo Pages


anim bullet Links Page

Click on my links page for

some cool sites

I like to visit, trust me it will be worth it!!

You may Email me at
or sign my guestbook

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

My Military Pages:

 South Korea

  anim bullet Ft Meade

  anim bullet Army Page Fort Huachuca



Please come back, and see how I'm doing anytime.


anim bullet  Links to other sites on the Web anim bullet


anim bullet StepWise Music

anim bullet Sample Songs @ Sheila's Rootsweb Page

anim bullet Henry's Home Page

anim bullet Logan's Web Page
My nephew's pages

anim bullet Paul's Page
My other brother-in-law Paul’s page about lots of stuff
(NASCAR, travel, soccer, etc.)
There is a picture of my cousin Eric on his page.

anim bullet Ronna's Page
My sister Ronna’s page about travel and then her
anim bullet
Ronna's Link Page

anim bullet Kristin's Home Page
My sister Krissy’s page about Colorado baseball

anim bullet Jason Agnew's Page
My brother-in-law Jason's page about his art

anim bullet Thrakkor's Bass
( Jackie’s page )

anim bullet Bryan's Homepage

anim bullet Sheila's Back Up Page


anim bullet Sheila’s AOL Page

anim bullet Sheila's Page
one of my sister's pages, this one is about our family tree and stuff

the original page:

anim bullet Acumin 01

the updated page:

anim bullet Acumin 02

anim bullet Our Family Tree Page

(@ aol)

anim bullet Sheila's Rootsweb Page