A biography of Adrian Loo by Leon Lim
Adrian Loo, guitar playing lizard man, was born 20th April 1972. For his birthday, send him money or plant specimens, especially curious chimeras.
Some day Adrian hopes to shit in all those holes in those ecological disasters menacingly masquerading as golf courses in pathetically prestigious (and confused) country clubs in our little urban island of Singapore (But don’t tell anyone, we don’t want him caught). Adrian was a star soccer player, and played for the Under 16 (I think) Singapore National Team where he learned to... hmmm, nevermind. He once played a game where he scored about 2 ga-jillion goals to win 11-1 (ah, now you know...). He stopped playing soccer because of a mysterious kidney disease, met St Anthony flying on a cloud, found the Reality of religion. Not one to regard anything with indifference, Adrian is celebrating the end of the millennium by getting married this year. And oh, Adrian has flown fighter jet planes, was once in love with Caterpillar Girl, served in the reconnaissance company in the Singapore Armed Forces, survived that maniacial mosquitoes of Taman Negara, and found his Voice.