This is a pretty cool tape. With the exception of two or three songs at the beginning of side two, the quality is very, very good. In fact, during the performance Steve talks about the guy sitting in front booting the show and the high quality he is likely to have.
Taped September 19, 1992 in Buffalo, this has to be one of the earliest bootlegs out there. I don't know how big The Icon was (is?) but it seems to be a very intimate show. There is a lot of speaking directly to the audience and because Toronto and Buffalo are close enough to watch each others' TV stations, there is a lot of local TV references - including Bert Weinstein who I believe is a Buffalo news anchorman or weatherman.
A song called On Our Own is performed during this set. I don't know much about it but I doubt that it is an original. If it was I would think we would have heard of it before, but maybe not. If anyone reading this knows anything about this piece, please fill me in. I'll gladly give credit where credit is due. Lovers In A Dangerous Time is also included and sounds great as does Fight The Power. All in all, this is an awesome glimpse into the early BNL days.