The College of New Jersey
Student Schedule by Day and Time

Schedule Term: Fall 1999

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11:00-12:20 SET Lecture(meets rarely)
Kendall 110
12:30-1:50 SET
Armstrong 154
Legal Env. of Buis
Nursing 108
Armstrong 154
Legal Env. of Buis
Nursing 108
2:00-3:20 Comp Sci 210
Holman 252
Comp Sci 210
Holman 252
3:30-4:50 Micro Economics
Nursing 223
Micro Economics
Nursing 223
5:00-6:20 Accounting 260
Nursing 224
Nursing 110
6:30-7:50 Accounting 260
Nursing 224
Nursing 110