Sweetest Thing Thats Happened To Me Yet
I miss you Scott!

The sweetest thing (and also the nicest) thats happened so far in my life also just happens to be the my date I've ever had.

It was New Years Eve, 1997, and I was on the phone with a friend of mine, Scott (he kept calling me "bubbly" and gave me the nickname "Bubbles"), while my mom got ready for a party. Then he asked if I was doing anything that night. I said no, and told him that my mom was going to a party.

He then invited me over to hang with him and his family and I think a couple friends at his house. And I wanted to! My mom then got on the line and started chatting real quick with him about it, discussing whether she'll be able to let me or not. She decided not, since she was just about out the door, and she had asked me if I wanted to come to whatever party she was going to, but I had refused, saying that I wouldn't know anyoine if I did go. So mom left a few minutes after that...and I still talked to Scott a while longer.

The next day, New Years Day (duh), Scott called me again. And we started talking for a long time, again. He then invited me to do something with him that day since I didn't get to the night before. I called my mom over quick. She talked to him, found out that his mom would be with us the whole time (and the one driving!) and then she started talking to his mom about it all. I dunno what she heard, but it must have been good, cause she let me go!

I was so nervous.

Even though he's just a friend (always been just a friend), I was still so nervous. When their car drove up, my heart was beating so hard, I thought it would explode out of my chest, I swear. They came in (and Whiskers ran, of course), chatted with my mom a minute while I got my coat. Then we left.

Scott was so nice. He always opened the door for me to get in the car, and I'm sure if I had waited for him to get out, he would have opened the door for me to step out of the car too! He was such a gentleman. And on the way there, he said I wasn't as bubbly as I am on the phone!

When we got inside, Scott bought my ticket for the movie (oh ya, we decided to see a movie! hehe!). He let me choose where to sit, and I said I didn't care. So he chose. In the back row, which was fine with me. Except he wanted exactly in the center. (Just like my dad!) I sat between Scott and his mom, and Scott and me got into a tiny friendly argument over what time it was, his watch was a minute ahead of mine.

The movie started, As Good As It Gets. We all had deicded on it. There wasn't really anything else good out then, so we thought this movie would be good. It was the only thing really.

After the movie, we all chatted about it on the way back to drop me off at my dads house. I said it wasn't at all what I expected (it wasn't!), and that I didn't like it that much. Scott said the same as well too.

When we got to my dad's house, Scott walked me to the door (another gentleman-like thing to do). He said that he hoped I had fun, besides the movie, which I said I did. And it was true. Even though we were only friends, and still only that, it still felt like a date to me.

And Scott was just so nice to me...I loved it.