Buried Treasure
Good things can't stay buried for long!

        Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA. I would never ever expect to find this. No way! Ok, I went to my dad's house, and I get on to his old computer in search for some of my old writtings that I remember typing up while living with him. It took forever to find the right files, but I eventually found them...and I had no idea what I would find!

        Here's what I did find...

        I couldn't believe any of it! I kept laughing while reading it! I could NOT believe that I, Tally, wrote any of it! But it was mine! ALL mine! I had so much fun reading them all!

        And here's where you get to read them also! (Ha, not really.) I'm not putting ALL of them put, some are kinda pathetic, but still good, but I won't put them up any-whoo. And I'm only putting up Castles In The Air and not the other song (Love) cause I don't really like it...but anyway - Choose it!