Do you hate people who have met Ryan as much as I do?
I don't think so.
The first time I saw Ryan was in the Remote Control video. When I saw him, I realized, I LOVE HIM! So I did a little research that afternoon about Ryan. I liked him more and more. Although I think he looks like a total FREAK with long hair, that's in the past and I'm willing to forget. So please let me try to convince you to love Ryan. This is a top ten, so if you have a minute please vote on your fav thang about Ryan. I'll try to count up the votes at least once a week.
#10His Songs
Ryan's songs are so great! I luv them. They really mean something but some people don't even bother listening to the lyrics. Did you know that Ryan wrote all the songs on the first Limblifter album? Well he did. HE IS SO GIFTED DAMIT!
#9His Eyes
Oh his eyes! Those lovely lovely cordova eyes...............don't get me started!
#8His Voice
Ryan has a cool voice. I like his singing voice but I have to admit that I like his talking voice better. He saids that Todd sings better but he likes to sing too. I think it's because he, um, WROTE EVERYTHING. If you need to hear Ryan's voice, click
here. Yep, that's him singing.
#7The Fact that he plays a Guitar
I dunno who but some poeple are turned on by a guy who plays the guitar. Well, good news for those people! Ryan's been playing for ,what, 18 years?
#6How He Treats His Fans
People who have met him say that he talks to all his fans and is never like "I have no time for you. I'm big and famous!". That's sweet eh?
#5His Location
Ryan is from CANADA!!! YES! He is a Canuck! And I think that makes him cool because canadians rock!
#4His Taste
I hate to sound like the fasion victim that I am but I think Ryan has really good taste in clothes! Really! Maybe because anything looks good on Ryan. Hmmm......I really can't figure this one out. He has really good taste in music, I mean, Radiohead's his fav band, the guy's got taste.
#3His Smile
A lot of people say that Ryan never smile. What kind of blind idiots are you guys? He does smile and anyone who has seen it will agree that it's the sweetest smile you've ever seen.
I have never met Ryan Dahle. I think I made that point. I can't really say I like him because I have never met him! but people who have met him (I hate you all!) say he is a great guy!
#1His Looks
I know I sound real shallow, but if you are reading this section obviously you've never seen a pic of Ryan. Have you seen him?! Isn't he the cutest guy you have ever laid your eyes on? If you have not seen Ryan honestly I feel really sorry for you. Go to the pic_section now and save yourself from the hell you're living in.