Welcome to my TOP 50 albums.
These are from my personal collection and have NOT been collected anywhere on the WWW.
Why are they here? To very good reasons.
Reason One
These are personal backup tracks from CD's I own in case the originals are destroyed or stolen.
Reason Two
These files are for downloading by anyone who doesn't have one of the albums below, but would like to hear a track or two to see if they want to buy a particular album from a music store. So basically, they are try before you buy.
The files are available but you will need to contact me at performer2006@gmail.com. Files that appear here are for preview purposes only. You may request a download of any of these files, but you must delete these files after hearing them and then purchase the album or single from your local record distributor.
If you wish to request a download, please fill out the form below. While you are here, check out the great Australian rewards program - EmailCash - start earning your cash today. (Link at the bottom of this page).