I've been listening to this album for quite a while now, and over time it
continues to grow on me more and more. I liked Sorrow Throughout the Nine
Worlds, but it seemed to suffer from the comparisons that are always drawn
between the multitude of bands from this area. I mentioned that the last
couple songs on that E.P. showed some real promise, and here it is realized!
This album just rages! It's so intense that one of the band members
got lost between the front and back cover! Seriously though, Once Sent...
has everything required to be great, pummeling beats, muscular death vocals,
ripping guitar melodies, it's in there... Drumming is spot
on, much more double bass intensive and creative to boot. The guitarwork
is just phenomenal, going from power riffing to melody to really nice lead
spots. Vocals are more in the "Gothenburg" sound, pretty similar to Jester
Race era In Flames (to my ears). Amon Amarth have also bypassed the
repitition factor nicely, keeping things pretty fresh by mixing tempos and
feel thoughout. Lyrics are pretty standard viking metal, from what I can
hear, but this fits the atmosphere well, and with the incorporation of
sampled swordplay, you can feel the agony of the battlefield. It is
a rare album that evokes real emotion, and this happens to
be one of them. There is a real element of despair that permeates
this release. All in all, a release that is worthy to stand on it's own
merits, hopefully leaving the inevitable comparisons to lesser bands that
have jumped on the wagon.
8 1/2 out of 10