James Rivera, vocalist extraordinaire of the legendary Helstar, here joins 3/5 of the
defunct New Eden to form what Rivera describes as the return to the heyday of metal.
On this point, I can agree, as this album just reeks of the 80's from it's Maideny riffs
to the D + D cover art. Metal Blade is attempting a coup here what with all the
speed metal releases coming out of there lately, and with Destiny's End they
might be on the right track. Musicianship is downright excellent, with those
trademark Rivera vocals just commandeering this into oblivion. One thing I have
noticed, on all these releases and the Dwell Iron Maiden Tribute is the
constant use of double bass. Not sure if I agree with it, but it does seem to fit here,
giving the album a pretty constant pace, but also adds to the "cons" list, as
songs start to bleed together for me during the middle tracks. Some
nice bass guitar work catches my ear, impressive since there didn't appear to
be much room around the riffage. As good as your going to hear in this day and
age, Breathe Deep the Dark may be a metal calling card for the 21st century.
7 out of 10