mat is the bass player ,he is extreemly tall and has been in suede since the very start yet still no one fully apprechiates him.his fine art has never been seen befor the way his fingers twang the strings is quite breth honest! we meen it!unfortunatly evil neil has pushed mat to the back both litrally and cycologically.poor mat he used to dance in the good old days, but now he stands still overshaddowed by evil neils keybord.what is left of his self confidence is being crushed daily by evil neils attempts to concer the suede nation.go back where you belong neil, play with your toy keybord,just stop hurting mat!!!leave him alone!!!
name; mathew david osman
shoe size(like you all are dying to know(incase you need to buy them shoes)!!):10
pets:2 cats jack and tony(hello)
"the highlife is within you"
simon says(ha):mat burps alort,he takes pride in burping deeply and loudly.
so all you tiny bopper evil neil fans, we order you to love mat!
© 1997