My Place Under the Sun

Thanks for stopping by. My friends and family have been encouraging me to get my voice out into the world for ages, and at last I have arrived. Enjoy the view...


There are millions of websites all over the cyber universe, so why have I felt the need to add my own little page to the mix? I guess many of us feel this little need to make our dent in the world, in whatever ways we can. For much of my young life, I felt the need to be in the limelight in some way. Over the years, I wanted to be a movie star, a news anchor, an internationally known musical artist, and a best-selling novelist. Maybe there's a piece of all of those dreams still in me. Only time will tell, I guess.


To know me can be an difficult task at times, which my family and closest friends will attest to. However, knowing a little bit about my passions is a major key into knowing who I am.

What keeps me going in life is literature and my music. For as long as I can remember both have been such an integral part of my life that I can't imagine living without them. Another passion that drives me is a love of travel and of the journey of discovering other cultures. Some people hate to even leave the state they grew up in, but I've always felt that one never really learns to appreciate what he has until he explores everything the world has to offer.
  • What's New?
  • About Me-Twenty four years of my life as best as I can capture it.
  • Snapshots-Some photos of me and my life taken over the more recent years.
  • The Mighty Pen-For inspiration and information, check out some of my favorite writers.
  • My Bleeding Heart A taste of my own writing-- poems, songs, and articles.
  • Music, Music, Music -Some of the musical groups that have caught my ear over the years. The list changes periodically, so keep your eyes (and ears) open.
  • Reel to Reel-A brief list of movies that have excited, angered, saddened or intrigued over the years.
  • Odds and Ends-While you're here check out some of the other websites that keep me surfing the 'Net.
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Background image by Texture Land
Last updated by Renee Canada on 09/18/01

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