My Foreign Exchange Journal

I plan to go on foreign exchange next year. I found out in December that I was accepted into the program (yes!). I am really excited and nervous about the whole thing. Mostly excited :-). This page will have a preperation log book, and once I get there a journal of the adventure. This will be my first big adventure, and I plan to make the most of it. This page will be somewhere where I can record the ups and downs of it.


The program that will be sending me is Rotary, which does several things beside foreign exchange. If you want to learn about it you can go to the link above. There are many rotary clubs all over the world, and the clubs are grouped into districts. Since I live in Florida, my rotary district is 6990. Information about Rotary Youth exchange district 6990 can be found here. I go here every few days to check for updates. It's very useful, since it has reports from people that are overseas this year, as well as information as to how to become a youth exchangee.

My foreign exchange preperation logbook

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