If you want to add a rant, just e-mail me with it. Please put "page=rant" in the subject line. The rants can be about anything under (or over) the sun. Anything that's upsetting/annoying/troubling you would fit on this page. There is no such thing as complaining to much here.
This first rant is from me. Does anyone know why some people enjoy making other people miserable? I don't get it. I have just started a new riding class a couple weeks ago, and the kids there have hated me from the first day, for absolutely no reason. At first it was because I speak English, and they don't, but now they just seem to hate me just because this other kid does. I don't really care what they think, since they're all spoiled rich brats who are, anyway, all younger than me (I'm 14). I tried at first to be nice to them, and would help them and offer them candy when I had it (which is just manners), and just talk to them. I thought I was making progress, but now I'm just going to stop trying. I don't even care about making friends in that class anymore. They are not the kind of people I want as friends.
I don't know what to do about them, though. Besides constantly trying to make fun of me, now they've started throwing things (just grass and other non-dangerous materials, but still!) at me. Besides pushing me, and trying to hit me.
There's this one kid who owns , like, a million horses and is spoiled rotton, who snuck up behind me and pushed me hard enough that I fell down. Then, when I got up, he tried to attack me again. I pushed him back, and stepped back and swung him around when he tried to jump at me, just to protect myself (I'm completely against violence, but self defence is different). His really fat, nasty friend got beside him, and threatened to beat me up if I laid a hand on him. Of course, the entire riding class, composed of other rich brats, was watching silently. Then he dared me to attack them. I didn't move. I will protect myself, but I certainly will not attack. I won't stoop to his level. He stood there waiting. I told him I had manners, and called him a coward (he was not alone, and he had snuck up behind me). He saw that I was ready to defend myself, and that I was certainly angry enough to. Fighting like that seems sort of childish, though. Everyone in my class has certainly outgrown it. He then said something to his friend about how I was a "menina" (girl) and wandered off, class in tow.
I didn't tell a teacher, since I think these kind of things have to be handled by yourself, even though I did discuss it with my family (my dad said to give as good as I got). Then, the next day I found out that Carlos (the kid) had gone to the teacher and said that I had hit him!!! What a little liar. Plus, he told my sister that he had pushed me down, forgetting to mention the fact that he had snuck up on me. He didn't mention either of those facts to the teacher, either. The teacher knows me, and knows him and what a brat he is, too, so he didn't believe him. He told Carlos that if I had hit him, it was only because I had a good reason and he must have deserved it.
I think part of the reason that I'm hated by them is because they are all disgustingly rich, and I'm normal. I mean, my family's doing pretty well, but these kids come from families who have houses all over the world and have nannies and a different car for every day. You'd think that since they all go to these fancy private school they could at least learn manners! If he bothers me again, I'll slap him, manners or no manners.