The miracle of Kool-Aid hair dye!


You've always wanted purple hair, but never knew where to turn. You stay up late at night pondering the possiblities of a myriad of bright and fun hair colours only to relize that you are a dull and useless blonde. Well, look no further, I have a solution! Kool-dying is here to the rescue. Kool-aid can cure those purple hair blues, not to mention your late night insomnia and wardrobe ailments! With no further useless rantings, I give you the method:

1. Aqquire Kool-aid, about 5 packets for fairly short hair.

2. Aqquire a small dish, bowl, etc, I recommend glass, it doesn't stain as bad.

3. Find some vasaline and smear it on your ears, neck, forehead, friends, etc. This will keep you from having red ears. Of course, there's something to be said for red ears.

4. Put Kool-aid in bowl, add water...a very *small* amount...make it fairly thickish, but not soupy. Well, pea-soupy sometimes works ok. It should look *dark*(you won't be able to tell the actual colour at this point)

5. Apply liberally throughout hair and comb well with large comb.

*NOTE Use unsugared packets,& consider bleaching before dying, as dark hair will usually not display the Kool-aid in all it's glory upon your head.


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