"Cause you've got, Personality. Walk, with personality. Talk, with personality. Smile, with personality.....
Name at birth: samantha

Name you wished you had: dunno..i have names i like, but none that i'd wanna be called. i like mine perfectly fine

Nicknames: sam, sammy(only by 2 specail people, lori-mommy and jayson), kity-ducky, and evil temptress(don't anyone ask!)

Hometown/place of birth: n.j./morristown memorial hospital

Current Location: wharton(we rn't hicks katie!!!!)

Birth date: oct 1981,

Occupation: student.....
School: morris hills

Describe your physique: semi-short, IMO, pudgy(i can;t say fat or i'll be hit alot by my friends)

Are you married? i hope not yet..if i am, y wasn't i told????

Children: not yet..

Type of House: one that is in las vegas....

Favorite color boxers/bra: don't know bout boxers, i'v only seen a few and they were mostly on jayson:)..bra would b black dark purple, blood red, my shade of blue, or silver

Favorite salad dressing: Italian or french, or ranch

Do you drink: i wish

Favorite Drink? as of right now, surge, sobe, arizona, and diet pepsi

What type of deodorant do you use? whatever i can find in my room..i think it's carribean cool teen spirit

Favorite shampoo or conditioner: aussie products

Glasses: unfortunatly

Do you make fun of people: always..especailly bout people who i hate

Favorite color(s): see the colors i mentioned for bra colors

What is your favorite radio station? 92.3, 95.5, 100.3, 103.5

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not yet:)they haven't found the bodies yet....

Best friends online/offline: online: beth, offline: nikki, missa, jayson, jeff, lori-mommy, katie, kelly-mommy, rob....

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: 1 deteiriorating dog

Favorite movie(s) and actor(s): anything w/ blood and gore in it. i can't stand chick flicks!!!!

Favorite type of music: anything but rap crap...SAVAGE GARDEN, ORGY, OFFSPRING, adiemus, metallica, celtic music(thanx jayson), shania twain, losta other stuff......

Hobbies: my crafts, drawing, writting, helping people out, color gaurd(even though i dunno if i will b able to do it), collecting sailor moon stuff, watching tv, aol, horseback ridding(when given the chance)

Dream car: red or black viper and/or white subaru outback

Type of car you drive: ford taurus and ford escort(parents cars)

Do you have an amazing story? actually, yes, i do! and beth knows some of it!

How tall are you?: about 5'4

Words you like to hear: anything that comes out of darren hayes's and danieljones's mouths, :)

Words or phrases you overuse: cool beanz! get outta my head! issues! ummm..alot of others, but i forget em cause i'v been online so much i kinda forgot how to talk!

Favorite food: cheeseburgers!!!

Online crush: :) not telling

Soon to be boyfriend/girlfriend: i'm kinda wishing for the here and now, not soon...course...the pne i REALLY want...umm..well...nevermind:(

Piercing or tattoos: no tattoos, but i want my belly button peirced, many holes in my ears...and MAYBE my tongue

Describe your eyes: lgiht the brown in tiger's eye gems

Hair: dirt blonde w/ blonde highlights and blood red splotches(first time dye job..i think i did pretty good w/ it)

Ethnicity: Irish, German, Italian, English, chzekoslovacian

Do you speed? not yet

Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: valentine's day. i got flowers and a ring from jayson:) (not THAT kinda ring people!)

Do you get along with your parents: sometimes

Favorite town to chill in: anyone but this one!!!!!

Favorite ice cream(s): mint chocolate chip (hee,hee lori!)

Favorite soda pop(s): diet pepsi and surge

What's your bedtime: When i feel like it

Adidas, Nike or Reebok: if i had to pick, adidas

Favorite Perfume/cologne: tropical rain body oil. cologne/ummm...i think it's called prefered stock..or something...and whatever jayson wears...

Favorite songs at the moment: BLUE MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!anything else by orgy..sepcailly stitches, nothing else matters-metallica(fits me to a T), anything by savage garden(my all time fav band) anything depressing...oh, and come one over and black eyes blue tears by shania twain

Favorite website: any sailor moon and savage garden websites. i'll have links to my personal favs on another page

Favorite subject you had in school: lunch, chorus, and art

Least favorite subject: everything else, especailly gym

Favorite sport(s) to watch: color gaurd, and equestrian, oh and hockey cause it's nice and violent

Favorite sport(s) to play: color gaurd

Most humiliating moment: tooooooooooo many to type out!!!!!!!!!!

Craziest idea(s): ummm..not sayin....hee,hee...fruit salad jayson:)

What do you look for in a prospective partner: if they like me for who i am and doesn't try and change me, humorous, kind, sweet....

Craziest person or silliest person you know: katie, andy, mike.b.

Are you better at remembering names or faces: both...surprisingly, i have a very good memory...when it comes to my social life. but if it's for school...forget it!

How long could you go without watching TV?: i haven't watched tv for awhile, sept for sailor moon, dragonball z, and a few movies(Night At The Roxbury!!!)

Have you ever been on TV?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the mtv commercail!!!!!!!!!! wahoo!!!! our marching band was on an mtv commercail for their new years top 100 videos count down!:)

Have you ever stayed over night in a hospital? over morning, yes. i went to the ER at 5:30 in the morning, and was there till bout 10, 11. it was not fun let me tell u...i had food poisining...not a fun thing

Do you have moles? ewwwwwwwwwww...what kinda question is that? y would people wannak now if i have moles???

Freckles? yes...even though u can't see em anymore, and strangely, there are none on my face. their all on my arms...

Which side of the bed do you like to sleep on? the right, even though i have a really small bed...

What is the longest phone conversation you have ever had? bout 3, 4 hours

Have you ever lied about your age? yes, a few times...right steph?:)

What are you scared of? losing certain people that i love dearly, dying alone and not succeding in what i wanna b, and just plain dying! i am seriously scared to death of dying....

Have you ever slept outdoors? yes, it's called camp and it get's wet

When you are home alone and you're in the you shut the door or leave it open? gettin kinda personal...aren't we? but yeah, I always shut the door

What foreign languages do you speak? i am slowly learning japanese

Are you an early bird or a night owl? i'm a night crawler!!!!!

Who taught you how to drive? my driving teacher

Have you ever met someone offline?'s called goin to school and meetin people...but actually, yeah, i met someone online and met em offline after

How long have you been going to church? since I was born, but i stopped after i graduated 8th grade...then i went back for midnight mass last Christmas, and i came back with mono!

Favorite Bible character and why: dunno..the snake i guess:)and for obvious reasons(he was bad:)

Would you rather live in the country or the city? las vegas!!!

What's your most irritating habit? i can gross anyone out easily, and i can b extremly annoying if given the chance

Biggest pet peeves? male egos!!!!!!!!it bugs the hell outta me! oh, and usualy not gettin my way(i'm an only child if anyone could'v guessed)

Favorite Bible verse? ........? what's with this and this obsession with the Bible?

Do you think you're easy to get along with? to certain people, yes, and when i first met pople. it's not until they hang around me alot and really get to know me until they find out exactly how annoying i can be:)

Thunderstorms... scary or cool? wicked cool!!!!!!!!!! i love em!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great source of writting inspiration

What are your best personality features? um...i can b very helpful, and i am wiling to go out of my way to help the people i really care bout if they need it, and i know how to have a fun time

Do you like to read? very much so. anne rice!!!!!! the vampire lestat and pandora are my absolute favs of the vampire chronicals

Antiques? yeah, only case i love to find goblets and jars and vases

What's your favorite Season? winter and summer and fall
Do you get attached to people easily? to certain people
Innie or outie (LOL...jk): innie

Do you tend to be punctual or tardy? a little bit of both, depending on the situation

What's your favorite time of day? nighttime

Are you a romantic or a realist? a bit of both

Who is the person you would most like to meet and why? Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones, and y do u think i'd wanna meet em????? and i wish i could meet edgar allen poe, but darn it he hasta be dead

What would you most like to accomplish in life? be remembered for something good, as a good person, and to succeed in whatever i wish to do

If you had a week to live, how would you spend it? doing everything i could the best way i could

Are you clumsy or precise or somewhere in between? in between. i will b gracefully falling on the field for color guard, right danielle?:)

White or Wheat? white

Are you musically inclined? i dunno..i mean, i can't play an instrument..but i can kinda sing....

Do you have brothers or sisters? nope nope nope!!!!!!!!!!!!
Motorcycles...dangerous or exciting? a bit of both

Would you rather go hiking or to a movie? both

Whole, 1%, 2%, skim? doesn't matter. i'll drink whatevers there

When at the you prefer a windy stone cliff or a hot sunny beach (ok...that's a strange question)? both, depending on my mood, but mostly the beach!:)

Do you like rollercoasters? love em to death!!!!!!!! i wanna join ACE sooo badly!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you like taking surveys? yah, they r summtin to do

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? dunno...i guess either writting my novels in a big spacious house in downtown las vegas with my husband, and daughter, and/or the same, only fashion designing..or both!:)

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