by Spyder KingBilly

The Blue Collar Bullets were formed entirely from another band. In October of 99, Tweaker lived in a little room off the garage of his parents' house on Sumas Mountain. He had his drums crammed in there and jammed with a few of our friends who were either drunk or fucked up most of the time as it was usually during a party, since Tweaker's parents frequently went away.

Andrew Aerosol, formerly of TFN and currently of LongShot, wanted to start a band and jammed with Tweaker a few times. Tweaker knew another guitarist who also wanted to jam and thus entered Derek-Adam, the "Shadow." All three, in one form or another, knew an alcoholic, Ramones lovin' loudmouth bass player and me, his brother.

With no mic to sing into or an amp to sing out of, we never played for long since my throat would cave in. The Slosh couldn't play bass without beer and constantly interrupted Aerosol's guitar playing. Tweaker and "The Shadow" had never been in bands before and were very raw. I think we all had jobs or were going to school or something and needed something to do now that we were stoned during the days of summer.

"The Shadow" won a scholarship to Norway for a year (exit "The Shadow"), Josh the Slosh KingBilly and I went to England and Ireland, Tweaker took a course at school and Aerosol returned to high school, AGAIN.

A couple of months of jamming and it was over. The Swillin' Villains would rest a long time...

With nothing going on, Tweaker got together with the brothers KingBilly and Kris10 the kidd to jam. The Slosh left on account of 5-minutes-playing-no-Ramones-covers-I'm-leavin'-I'm-sober. Kris10 taught me to play a quick song on Stix-Mago KingBilly's bass and that's how it's been ever since.


Kris10 the Kidd (18)-vocals, guitar, songs, politics and bullshit, Valiant cruisin', scholar vegan, band gluer
Spyder KingBilly (21)-bass, occasional sputterings, forgetting, left-handed/right-handed bass playing drummer, marijuana, whiskey ale, far travelling, starving, broke, skateboarder lyricist
Tweaker McTwitch (21)-drums, cigarettes, marijuana, spirits and ales, Duchess mover, vegan, full time Blue Collar Workin' man.


Scooter Krew- Jay and Marketta
Early listeners- Dean, Jerry, Nate and drop-ins
Propagandha and Merch- Jay
Beers- Mission boys
Always free-Barry, Ryan, Rolly, Aerosol, KingBilly's
Drugs-PCP, thanks fellas!
Sound and photos- Wally, Kamel, Aerosol
Equipment and transport- always different
Bass sit-in and ass-saving- Munk
Band thanks- Original Child Bomb!!! Makeshift, Spitfires, Outcast Individuals
and everyone who lets us play shows or comes out to see 'em.