We are the proletariat. The blue collars. The working class with nothing but our labour power to sell. Why, in a country so proud of its ability to consume and collect in exchange for hard work, those who are actually doing any work (the working class) can barely afford to survive, while the property owners (the white collar or capitalist class) are free to show off their buying power with all the meaningless knick knacks imaginable? They are able to do so only by exploiting the labour of a class of slaves. THINK ABOUT THIS: Erin Average works at a coffee shop/fast food joint/insert random shitty job in the service industry that employs the majority of the population. This establishment (speaking, of course, of the multinationals like Starbucks, McDonalds and Walmart) rakes in a profit in the thousands on an hourly basis. Erin Average sees how much of this accumulation? EIGHT MEASLY DOLLARS!!
There's a reason they call it minimum wage. It's because that's the minimum amount the capitalist can get away with paying us so that we can feed, shelter and clothe ourselves just enough to keep coming back to work and making the capitalist a profit. Ask yourself what makes you different from your boss. Is the only difference that he less work and gets paid more?? So where's the "freedom and equality" everyone's talking about? Is this the reality of the "oh so wonderful capitalist economy" of equal opportunity? According to them, "anyone can be a capitalist if you just work hard". And how hard they must be working at their desks with their benefits, retirement funds, holidays and bonuses, getting 18 dollars an hour to surf the net and destroy a few small family businesses. The reality is, they depend on our labour power to make them a profit as much as we can depend on half the money we earn standing in an assembly line, shovelling gravel or pushing lattes to yuppies on their hour-long paid lunch breaks going BACK to the land-owners every month in exchange for a small plot of land to "live" on.