Welcome to the Hammster's home. Also visit some of the other pages to see more pictures! Enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign my guestbook before you go.
Hi! My name is Darcy, also known as "Hammster". I was born just before midnight on May 9, 1968. Which maybe part of the reason I'm a nightowl!

I'm a tig welder and an EMT-I and just recently became a firefighter as well.
My husband and I both run volunteer life squad and fire dept. in a rural area. It's very rewarding at times and a great way to releive stress if you love doing it as much as I do.

My favorite things include fast cars and loud music. I currently  have a '98 Trans Am. And of course, watching my favorite tv shows...ER and THIRD WATCH.
I also enjoy  riding my Honda Shadow VLX, 4-wheelers, computers, boating and water skiing, spending time with my animals, (which consists of 6 horses, a Saint Bernard, 4 cats and the newest addition to the family, a black lab named "BEAR".).

  I Like almost any kind of music, but my favorite is Rock. My all time favorite is John Mellencamp. I also like  AC/DC, Aerosmith, Robert Cray, McGuffey Lane, Matchbox 20 and many others.  
I enjoy reading, and ocassionaly writing poetry.
I work third shift, which fits me well since I'm a nightowl.
I hope you'll stay and meet some of my friends and family and check out some of my favorite links.
This is my husband of 15 years, Mike. He is an EMT-I a firefighter and a tig welder. He likes to ride his motorcycle or quad runner, also enjoys fishing and working on his John Deere model B tractor.  Mike and I met in high school and have been together every since. He's a great guy and a great husband.  

We think about you
each and every day
There's an emptiness within
it will never be the same

Some days it don't feel real
you can't really be gone
Some days we lack the strength
and the willingness to go on

Places that we go
everything we do
Just don't seem right
not without you

Haunted by the words
Your daddy said that day
No matter how I try
The words won't go away

Wishing I would wake up
And find it a bad dream
But each morning I realize
The saddness of reality

I hope you knew
How very much you were loved
And just how much you meant
To the four of us

A hole in our hearts
That only you could fill
A place forever yours
Remains and always will

dlh 7/23/02

              ~ CRAIG ~
A handsome young man
At thirteen years old
With big brown eyes
And a heart of gold

Going to the camp
And out on the boat
And riding that four-wheeler
In sun, rain or snow

John Deere and Ford
And Nascar's number two
Just a few of his favorites
As everyone knew

He touched the hearts
Of all who knew him
With those innocent eyes
And that silly sweet grin

He had a soft spot for the elderly
And handi-capped kids
And the little ones loved
And looked up to him

From the time he could talk
So mature he always seemed
He could carry a conversation
Like you wouldn't believe

It seems so unfair
Such a short little life
And though we must go on
Ahead are difficult times

We'll never forget you, Craigy
AAnd all the things you loved
We know that you are watching
From a better place above

Craig was the kind of kid who gave so much of himself to others. Especially for his age. He started a penny drive for the families of the victims of 9-11, raising over $800.00. His heart went out to those families. Just a small example of the kind of kid he was............. In loving memory of Craig Matthew Weeks.
Craigy, we miss you so much!!
This is Chrys, Craig's mom and my bestest bud since grade school. Our  friendship has stood the test of time. We're more like sisters than best friends. She's the greatest and there's noone I'd rather have as a best bud! Love ya girlfriend! :-)
Smile- and the world smiles with you, cry - and you cry alone.
My life is a little brighter today......Because I have shared it with you.
It'snever too late to be what you might have been ~ GEORGE ELIOT
This is one of my favorite poetry sites http://starlitecafe.pair.com/poetry.html
Lying here listening
  to the sounds of the night.
The crickets chirping,
  the coyotees howling in the distant dark.
The moon shining
  so bright in the sky
The sound of a stream
  trickling over the rocks.
It's all so peaceful.
Just the peaceful sounds of the dark.
   innocent sounds...
     the stillness of the night.
Here I've found serenity.

dlh '94
My Honda Shadow VLX 600
guest number
comments welcome, email me at DLHAMM@YAHOO.COM