Thru the Eyes of a Ruby

there are _several_ layered guitars for this

G1 slight distortion






G3 (first time only) Tremolo (fast phasing)



G1 Distortion



G2 Distortion




G1 Phasing



G2 Clean



I strongly believe that the phaser used is the Mu-tron
Bi-phase. They've used it before and mine can mimic
this sound exactly. For those who have one, here's my
Phasor A only, Sweep: just below 2, Depth: 7, Feedback: 7.5

*4 ("Breathing Underwater....")

G1 (still phased)


^don't ask.
(overdub maybe?)

G2 (tremolo phasing)

^strummed ^strum slow
(think "Soma")

*5 ("And if you spin...")




G2 Tremolo phasing (gets one whole chord in on this part!)


G3 (Lead fill. Can't tell if it's clean or chorus or
slight distortion or what...)

^last time only


G1 Distortion (brighter than G2)


G2 Distortion


G3 Distortion (Lead Fill)



