A plant based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet. A vegan diet reduces one's risk of such diseases as cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, and gallbladder ailments. There is less chance of contracting bacterial infections such as E.coli or Salmonella, and vegetarians generally contain fewer pesticides. A plant-based diet more commonly meets the current recommendations for percentages of fat, carbohydrate and protein than an omnivorous diet.

Eight billion innocent animals are abused and killed in the U.S. each year to satisfy the Americans' selfish addiction to meat. The average American consumes 50 farm animals per year!
Veganism is a statement against violence and cruelty. Animals are often kept in over-crowded or unnaturally isolated settings, transported in horrific conditions, often without food or water for expended periods of time. Methods of slaughter are chosen mainly to suit economic needs; stunning methods are often unreliable, and many animals experience much pain and fear before they are killed.
People who have 'connected with' and love such animals as horses, dogs and cats, should look at the ways in which these human companions are similar to other animals- animals which are murdered to produce veal, pork, beef, lamb chops. Vegans respect animals enough that they wouldn't kill them or hurt them.

The raising of 'livestock' (and particularly, the scale of which this occurs) is destroying our land. Humans are destroying rain forests to raise cows for beef. Soil particles from these lands, laden with minerals, fertilizers, and pesticides are carried by rain water into lakes and streams causing pollution. Farm land turns into deserts.
Massive amounts of fresh water and grain are used to feed these animals- who are existing only to become food for humans. Tremendous amounts of fossil fuels are being consumed in order to transport these animals, their food, and their dead bodies for human consumption.

Amount of water to produce --
-Beef: 2464 gallons/pound
-Chicken: 660 gallons/pound
-Tofu: 22o gallons/pound
Calories of fossil fuel needed to generate one calorie of protein--
-Beef: 35 calories
-Chicken: 16 calories
-Tofu: 2 calories

Nearly one quarter of the human population does not get enough to eat. Is it because there is not enough food on the planet? No. Two-thirds of the grain exported from North America to other countries goes to feed 'livestock'. These animals in turn only feed those people who can afford it. In the United States, 230 pounds of animals are consumed by each person PER YEAR! Imagine the number of people who could be fed with the grain we give to animals raised for consumption. World hunger could be completely eradicated if we gave up eating meat!
Quick facts: a plot of land can feed 12 people who eat plants and grains, but only one person if the plants are first fed to an animal to produce meat.
Every two seconds, somewhere in the world, a child starves to death. If the American people reduced their meat consumption by just 10%, there would be enough vegetable foods, such as valuable soy beans, redirected from animal feed to starving people to feed everyone.

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