What's new in Hiddenspeakerland

We got one show confirmed; an instore at Tower, a Red Eyed Fly gig with Kissinger, and Groceries' CD release in Houston are all coming up soon. Brittle Stars will be released nationwide on the 29th of this month, I believe. Stay kool, y'all.

We got a review in this week's Chronicle: check it out here!

Yea! The Brittle Stars is now in stores all over Austin and Houston. Speaking of Houston, we just got back from a weekend of shows, including an instore at Cactus and a show at Rudyards with the ever-luminous Groceries and the soon-to-destroy-us-all Matty & Mossy. We had fun. Austin shows coming up, hope to see you.

So the album, which is officially titled "The Brittle Stars", will be back in our hands, completed and ready for public consumption, on or before July 30. Look for it at record stores around Austin, and hopefully around the country to some degree before too long. We should be playing around town a lot more... keep an eye on the shows page.

the Speaker is on summer vacation, but we're sure to hit the ground running mid-June. Has ever even seen this page? write me at beecaves@mail.utexas.edu if you're reading this, I'll update more often if I know somebody's out there. Hell, the band will be more motivated to do newsworthy things if we know somebody's out there. Until then...

Well, here's a web page. It's not very impressive, yet, but who's gonna be looking at it? By the time anybody knows this is here, I'll have cooked up something worth looking at. Until then, just hold still.

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