Name: Tracy Elizabeth Janovski

Occupation: Baldwin School Resident Genius, cynicist, lover of dogs, daughter of Irene

Residence: Penn Valley, near the recycling plant.  Which at least somewhat explains the stench.

Likes: Math, the Beatles, Irene, Marissa, being sarcastic, FINE!, giving her phone # out to scary old men.

Dislikes: Most of Baldwin, Beanie Babies

Future Prospects: I'm going to be ruler of the world, and she's going to be the evil villain.
Tracy is my bestest school friend.  FINE!  Met in 5th grade... of all of my close friends, I've known her the longest.  Met in mid-March, was it? of that year...
She was eating at a table by herself, I went over to talk to her, and... yeah.
Her mom is one of my best friends too.  Tho her father absatively despises me.
Tray has this sick, SICk sense of humor (and I'm sure it's all her mom's fault!) that enables us to converse for hours on end about such brain twisting things as: Which Star Trek series was better -- TNG, of DS9? (I''m still voting for TNG, no matter what you say, thankyouverymuch!); why the girls at our school seem to be lacking a common sense gland, and, most importantly - why DOES Dr. Ledlie look like a penis?